Get Your CDL Training In or Near California
Discover Class-A commercial truck driver training programs and CDL endorsement classes at CDL schools in California. Completing truck driver training in California can take as little as 3-6 weeks when attending full-time. Some schools also offer part-time options and convenient evening and weekend classes.
Many of our partner schools provide job placement assistance for students who pass their CDL exam. If you’re ready to kickstart your career as a truck driver, use our search application below to connect with a CDL school in California today!
CDL Requirements in California
CDL requirements in California involves the following:
- 18 years old to drive within the state
- 21 years old to drive across states
Cost of CDL Training
The majority of CDL schools will cost between $3,000 to $7,000. These programs are in the range of 140 – 160 hours, taking about 3 to 6 weeks to complete.
There are many ways to pay for CDL training – you can pay out of your own pocket, you can apply for a federal or personal loan, you can use a grant and/or scholarship, or you can sign up for a ‘train here, work here’ trucking school program.
How to Select the Best Trucking School
Take the time to research and read reviews and testimonials from former students of the CDL training you’re considering. Additionally, inquire about any partnerships that the school may have with trucking companies, as this can potentially lead to employment opportunities after completing the program.
Furthermore, it’s important to take into account the cost of the program and explore the available financial options. Some schools offer scholarships, grants, or flexible payment plans. Furthermore, evaluate the type of training that is offered. It should cover both practical and theoretical aspects to prepare you for the CDL exam and for your driving job.
Truck Driving Schools in California provide information, tools and resources to potential truck drivers in the U.S. We hope that you can use the content on the site to help you decide if want to drive trucks for a living.