You will need to get a CDL in Illinois in order to drive a truck for a living. And before you can obtain your CDL, you must complete CDL training.
How to Select Truck Driving Schools in Illinois
A good CDL school is essential if you want to become a professional truck driver. When enrolling in a training program, be certain to choose the appropriate institution for your needs. Learn how to pass the CDL test the first time by attending a school that specializes in helping students do so. When looking for a truck driving school in Illinois, there are certain points to keep in mind.
Spending time and money on finding a new job is one of the most essential things you can do. The most important thing to remember while making this decision is to receive the proper training and enroll in a registered CDL school. Many solutions are available, and it’s crucial to select one that meets your demands and isn’t too expensive. The following are elements to keep in mind while selecting truck driving schools:
Cost of CDL Training Schools
In comparison to other states, Illinois’ CDL training costs more than the national average. The cost of a CDL training program mostly relies on the kind of CDL license and endorsements that you wish to get. Prices may be affected by a variety of factors like how long it takes to drive and what kind of equipment is used. It can also factor in whether or not hotel and meals are included in the package.
For CDL training, most Illinois schools charge between $3,000 and $10,000. Generally speaking, schools do not need full payment to be made in advance. Allows you to maintain your work while paying for education over a certain length of time.
Some examples of CDL school costs in the state of Illinois:
- Jaurez Truck Driving School in Chicago:
- 6 weeks, 160 hours: $3200
- 8 weeks, 200 hours: $4000
- 10 weeks, 220 hours: $5000
- 10 weeks, 260 hours: $8000
- Lincoln Land Community College in Springfield:
- 4 weeks: $3900
- Heartland Community College in Normal:
- 4 weeks: $4200
Assistive Handouts
If you can’t afford to pay for your program, you should check into grants and scholarships. To find out about grants, scholarships, and other forms of financial assistance for truck driving schools, go to the Illinois Office of Student Financial Assistance website. It’s probable that you’ll be eligible for several federal and state scholarships and awards if you serve in the military or armed services.
Which CDL Training Center Should You Attend?
Despite the fact that there are several truck driving schools in Illinois, not all of them offer the same things. Your financial status will have a significant impact on your decision. Consider enrolling in a program where you may get your certification for the least amount of money possible. When selecting a truck driving school, you should also take into account the following important aspects.
Securing a Position
Many individuals are surprised to learn that most truck driving schools assist their graduates in finding work upon graduation. Trucking businesses are always on the lookout for suitable individuals, and the colleges that can assist them in doing so are often rewarded for their efforts.
If you attend an excellent school, you will be able to apply for a wide range of jobs that provide you with the greatest potential working circumstances. To find out how many of their students get jobs after graduating, make sure to inquire about the school’s placement rate and the businesses in which they put their graduates.
There will be a lot of classroom time. To prepare for your CDL exam and learn how to drive a tractor-trailer, this is a wonderful option. With yard-time, you’ll get the most experience driving and interacting with their vehicles. The school has to spend money to maintain a big fleet of functional vehicles.
Some schools try to keep students from spending too much time in the yard by limiting how much time they are allowed to spend there. If you decide to enroll in a low-cost truck driving school, it’s crucial to realize how much yard training you may lose out on.
Classroom Size
Teachers at truck driving schools may be difficult to assess since the quality of their instruction fluctuates over time. The reputation of a school may be made or broken by its teachers. By using a simple procedure, it is possible to compare the size of classrooms at various institutions.
In all truck driving schools, the number of students allowed in the classroom is tightly limited. When there are fewer people in the class, you will have more one-on-one time with your teachers, which means you will learn more during your training sessions.
CDL Qualifications
In the state of Illinois, to qualify for a CDL license you need to meet the following:
- Be at least 18 years old. 21 years old to drive interstate or transport passengers
- Have Proof of Legal Presence
- Have a valid Illinois driver’s license (valid for the duration of CLP)
- Read, write and speak English fluently
Once you pass the knowledge written test, the DMV will give you a CLP (Commercial Learner’s Permit) that is valid for one year. You need to wait 14 days before you can do the driving/skills test from the date that the CLP is issued.
ELDT Regulations
Entry-level Driver Training (ELDT) is mandatory if you want to obtain a Class A or B CDL for the first time; if you’re upgrading your CDL from Class B to A, or Class C to B; or if you’re adding Passenger (P), School bus (S), and Hazardous (H) endorsement.
The ELDT must be taken at a qualified school. Here is FMCSA’s database of registered trainers.
Once you pass the skills test, your local DMV will issue you a CDL. The DMV will first verify that you completed the ELDT before issuing you the commercial license.
Spending both time and money on the search for a new job is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. The most essential thing to keep in mind while making this choice is to acquire the appropriate training and enroll in a CDL driving school that is recognized by the state. There are several options available, and it is important to choose one that both fulfills your needs and is not too costly. When looking for CDL driving schools, keep the factors listed above in mind.
List of Trucking Schools in Illinois provide information, tools and resources to potential truck drivers in the U.S. We hope that you can use the content on the site to help you decide if want to drive trucks for a living.