If you want to become a CDL truck driver, there are certain requirements you need to meet. Going to truck driving school is now mandatory. This article will help you select the best trucking school for you, as well as determine if you meet the qualifications for obtaining a commercial driver’s license (CDL).
CDL Requirements in Kentucky
To get your commercial driver’s licence in Kentucky, you need to meet the requirements:
- 18 years of age to drive in the state of Kentucky; 21 years old to drive across states or to transport hazardous material
- Have a valid Kentucky driver’s license
- Have a clean driving record
- Submit a valid medical certificate
- Be a citizen or a legal resident of the United States
- Read and write English
CDL Class
Class A | Driver can operate any combination vehicles with a gross combination weight rating (GVWR) of 26,001 pounds or more whichever is greater, inclusive of a towed unit(s) with a GVWR of more than 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) whichever is greater. | Vehicles:
Class B | Driver can operate any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 pounds or more without a trailer. You can also operate any vehicle towing a trailer that doesn’t exceed 10,000 pounds. | Vehicles:
Class C | Driver can operate any single vehicle or a combination of vehicles not meeting the Class A or Class B definition, that is either designed to transport 16 or more passengers (including the driver), or is transporting hazardous material. | Vehicles:
How to Select Truck Driving Schools in Kentucky?
CDL driving schools are essential for anybody hoping to become a professional truck driver. When enrolling in a training program, be certain to choose the appropriate institution for your needs. Choose a school that will assist you in passing the CDL test on your first try. If you’re looking for a good truck driving school in Kentucky, here are some things to consider.
Approved Program
To obtain a Class A or B, or if you are upgrading your Class B to A, you are required to complete mandatory truck driver training to help improve road safety. The truck driving school you are considering should registered with the FMCSA and meet its training requirements.
CDL Tuition Cost
Getting a CDL in Kentucky is not cheap. CDL tuition costs can range from around $3,000 to over $5,000. When searching for the right trucking school, make sure you understand why the pricing of truck driving schools in Kentucky is set that way. A few factors determine the tuition: length of program; curriculum; reputation of the school and instructors; the type of truck you will be training on.
CDL tuition price examples:
- Class A program: $4,116
- Length: 160 hours
- Location: Winchester, KY
- Class A program: $5,000
- Length: 4 weeks, 175 hours
- Location: Berea, KY
CDL Financing Options
Given that a CDL tuition can cost a few thousand dollars, make sure the school is willing to work with you if you don’t have the financial means. Professional truck drivers are in great need so you shouldn’t be turned away. There are CDL grants and scholarships; company-paid tuitions; and financial loans that you can take advantage of.
Drive Time
Drive time does not include pre-trip, observation, or simulator time. Only the time you spend behind the wheel is included in this calculation. The minimum driving time should be 60 hours. The more time you practice driving, whether in a facility, as well as on the road, the better and more confident you’ll be as a professional truck driver.
Here’s a typical breakdown of a Class A curriculum:
Classroom: 50 Hours
Range Instruction: 65 Hours
Road Instruction: 45 Hours
Student-to-Instructor Ratio
Investing in a CDL driving school that provides substandard training is a waste of time and money. The good thing is that you may do some research before deciding to join a certain program. An ideal student-to-instructor ratio is crucial. 3-4 students per teacher are ideal. To get the most out of the program, you need to be able to interact with the other students.
Make sure you know who the instructors are. It’s ideal if they are veteran instructors who used to be professional truck drivers. To get the most out of a great instructor, you need to learn as much as you can about their field and lifestyle. Learning from someone with years of experience is the only way to go.
Job Placement
It’s a little-known fact that most truck driving schools assist their graduates in finding work after they graduate. Many trucking businesses are constantly searching for competent applicants, and they reward institutions that can help them locate them. If you attend a reputable school, you will have a plethora of career opportunities at your disposal, allowing you to enjoy the greatest possible working circumstances. Inquire about the schools’ placement rates and the firms that many of their grads work for. If a school does not provide job placement opportunities, you might want to think twice about attending.
Great Instructors
The first step to becoming a professional truck driver is to attend a truck driving school and finish the necessary training. At this time, it’s critical to learn fundamental skills in an accessible way. The best instructors are those who are well-trained and have a lot of expertise. Before enrolling in a truck driving school, inquire about the qualifications of the instructors.
Getting certified as a truck driver is essential in getting a new truck driving job that pays well. This decision necessitates enrolling in a CDL driving school that is accredited by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Many solutions are available, and it’s crucial to select one that meets your demands and isn’t too expensive. Consider the above considerations before selecting a CDL school.
List of Trucking Schools in Kentucky
TruckersTraining.com provide information, tools and resources to potential truck drivers in the U.S. We hope that you can use the content on the site to help you decide if want to drive trucks for a living.