So you want to become a professional truck driver? We’ve put together some resources to help you get started on your truck driving career.
CDL Requirements in New Mexico
- Be at least 18 years old to drive a commercial vehicle within the state of New Mexico; be at least 21 years of age to drive across states.
- Have a valid non-commercial driver’s license for at least 1 year, with no serious driving violations in that time period.
- Pass necessary written tests
- Obtain a commercial learner’s permit (CLP)
- Complete the Entry-level Driver Training (ELDT)
- Pass the skills test
- Submit a medical certificate
- Have proof of insurance
CDL License Class
Class A | Driver can operate any combination vehicles with a gross combination weight rating (GVWR) of 26,001 pounds or more whichever is greater, inclusive of a towed unit(s) with a GVWR of more than 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) whichever is greater. | Vehicles:
Class B | Driver can operate any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 pounds or more without a trailer. You can also operate any vehicle towing a trailer that doesn’t exceed 10,000 pounds. | Vehicles:
Class C | Driver can operate any single vehicle or a combination of vehicles not meeting the Class A or Class B definition, that is either designed to transport 16 or more passengers (including the driver), or is transporting hazardous material. | Vehicles:
CDL Process
Steps to Get a CDL | |
1. Pass the knowledge / written test | |
2. Get Commercial License Permit (CLP) - you will be issued a CLP when you pass the written test. | |
3. Complete the mandatory Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) | |
4. Pass the skills test: pre-trip inspection + on-road driving | |
5. Get your CDL - you will be issued a CDL when you successfully meet above requirements. |
How to Select Truck Driving Schools in New Mexico
Get started on the right foot with a good truck driving school. Your training institution should assist you to pass your exam as well as help you graduate and become the type of skilled worker that companies want. Consider the following while searching for a truck driving school in New Mexico.
Pick a Truck Driving School: Private or Paid
Private CDL Training
When it comes to truck driving schools, private and paid programs are the most common. To obtain a Class A or B commercial driver’s license require you to complete the mandatory Entry-Level Driver Training or ELDT. The schools should be listed in the FMCSA’s Training Provider Registry.
Going to a truck driving school where you are paying for your tuition yourself is a common path for truck drivers. The appeal is that you can choose which school is best for you, and you have the freedom to work for any trucking company once you graduate.
Paid CDL Training
On-the-job training programs are another route to become a CDL driver. These programs require you to spend time with the trucking firm that’s endorsing you after training. With the paid CDL training, you commit yourself to the company’s training and driving requirements, as well as a minimum employment stint with that firm. One of the benefits of this option is that you get paid while receiving training, and you have a job with them after you get your CDL, driving the very same or similar trucks you trained on.
Ask Whether the Training Program Is Comprehensive
Instructors and teachers need a lot of room to operate in a professional driving school. Many hours behind the wheel are required for a successful driving profession. A good school can assist you in obtaining your CDL as well as assisting you in passing the exam. You’ll learn all you need to know both in the classroom and in the field.
Of course, the ultimate aim is to become a truck driver. Seek a school or program that has a proven track record of instructing first-time drivers.
Look for a CDL School with Experienced Driving Instructors
Expect to learn from teachers who have been teaching for a lengthy period of time, and who’s spent a number of years driving commercial trucks themselves.
A teacher who is an ex-truck driver will transfer their experience and knowledge gained on the road to you. A great CDL instructor will help you increase your ability to navigate a commercial vehicle, interact with customers when you pick up freight, selecting routes, avoiding inefficiencies or finding rest stops, etc. These are crucial facets of the work that are sometimes missed during the first stages of learning it.
Consider the Cost of Attending School
CDL driving school can be expensive, however, don’t choose a school just on the basis of price. Your truck driving career is an investment, and paying a little bit more to be trained by excellent instructors and get set up with a good commercial driving job at a great firm does pay off.
There are several ways to pay for your CDL tuition:
- Federal and state CDL grants and scholarships – there are various federal and state grants to pay for trucking school, for example, if you are a veteran, to get your CDL qualifies for the GI Bill.
- Financial loans – CDL schools typically partner up with a financial institution where you can take out a loan to pay for your tuition.
- Pay for the tuition out of pocket
While it is true that the costlier driving schools are more likely to provide the greatest instruction, this is not always the case. Make sure you know how probable it is that you will get a job after graduating. Ask about the school’s long-term success rate.
Explore your financial aid options to see whether you qualify for grants or loans. Do not rely on open-source applications. For free driving lessons, you don’t need them. Lessons cost money, so you’ll have to pay up for them. Teacher salaries and classroom supplies are an essential part of any effective driving school.
You may take advantage of the expanding need for qualified truck drivers in New Mexico by pursuing a profitable career path. To earn your commercial driver’s license, you first need to determine where to go to school for truck drivers. You should take this decision extremely carefully since it will have a direct influence on your future success in the field.
List of Trucking Schools in New Mexico provide information, tools and resources to potential truck drivers in the U.S. We hope that you can use the content on the site to help you decide if want to drive trucks for a living.