CDL Requirements in Oregon
To obtain your Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) in Oregon, you must:
- Be 18 years old to drive intrastate or within state lines
- Be 21 years old to drive across states or to haul hazardous materials
- Have or meet the qualifications for a non-commercial Class C driver’s license
- Have your Commercial Learner Permit (CLP) by:
- Writing and passing the CDL General Knowledge Test
- Writing and passing the combination vehicle knowledge test (Class A CLP only)
- Pass vision test
- Submit a valid Medical Examiner’s Certificate
- Complete the mandatory Entry-Level Driver’s Training (ELDT)
- Pass the skills test
You must have a CDL in order to drive commercially. A commercial driver’s license is required for:
- Vehicles above 26,000 lbs. in gross vehicle weight
- Vehicles with a towing capacity more than 26,000 pounds
- Vehicles transporting dangerous goods marked with placards
- Vehicles having a minimum of 16 seats are required
Resource: Oregon DMV
How to Select Truck Driving Schools in Oregon
Choosing a truck driving school in Oregon can be a daunting task. With so many schools to choose from, it’s hard to know where to start.
What is the location of the school? Do you want to be close to home, or are you willing to travel for the right program? Also, ask around to see if anyone you know has attended the school and can give you a personal recommendation. Here are a few other things to keep in mind when choosing a truck driving school in Oregon.
CDL Tuition Cost in Oregon
For many students, the cost of a truck driving school is the most significant aspect. Generally, CDL training costs between $3,000 to $7,000. Some can be as low as in the $1,500’s to as high as $12,000.
Be wary of trucking schools that provide low-cost training and little time to complete, as they seldom stress quality in their training program. Truck driving programs in the upper range ($10,000+) usually offer a comprehensive curriculum that takes several months to complete full-time.
Aim for a curriculum that is at least 160 hours, or about 4 weeks full-time to complete.
So you need to decide if you’re able to commit not just financially, but also time-wise.
Financial Aid
If the cost of trucking school is a little too rich, there are many financial aid options in the form of CDL grants and scholarships, federal and private student loans, as well as company-sponsored CDL training.
There are a number of scholarships available for CDL training in Oregon. A scholarship from a firm may come with conditions, such as accepting a job offer from the company after graduation. Check with the Oregon Trucking Association (OTA) for financial aid.
Employment Rate / Graduation Rate
Several CDL schools in Oregon provide assistance in finding a job after graduation. In order to help students find work after graduation, they have forged relationships with trucking companies in the area. Both graduation and employment rates should be taken into account when evaluating a driving school’s quality.
A school with a low graduation rate is of little service to students. Attending this school won’t do you any good in the long term. Job placement is a common feature of the curriculum in CDL schools with high employment rates. The school’s capacity to aid you in getting work is crucial. Ensure that the school provides help with getting a job after graduation.
Do you want a school that offers a comprehensive training program, or one that offers a more customized approach? What is the school’s reputation? Do their graduates have a good track record of success in the trucking industry? Beyond the price and length, you must know how many professors are on hand at each college or university.
Educators at top-notch institutions must be capable of handling a broad variety of disciplines. The qualifications and experience of instructors in a potential training program should be investigated. Based on this, you can discern whether they have anything of value to offer.
A career as a professional truck driver is worth it if you can complete CDL training that sets you up for success as a professional truck driver. And provides job placement at a good trucking firm that not only pays fairly but also cares about their drivers.
There are a variety of driving schools out there, and not all of them are equal. To get your career off to a good start, you’ll want to enroll in a reputable truck driving school considering the factors above.
List of Trucking Schools in Oregon provide information, tools and resources to potential truck drivers in the U.S. We hope that you can use the content on the site to help you decide if want to drive trucks for a living.