How to Select Truck Driving Schools in Tennessee
When it comes to learning how to drive a truck, there may be some minor discrepancies across CDL schools. What matters is that the school educates students on the skills and information they’ll need to be safe truck drivers who are ready to acquire their Tennessee CDL and start their careers.
There are a few considerations to ponder over while looking for a Tennessee truck driving school. Depending on your choice, you might have a life-changing event or a life-altering calamity. Each school teaches the same things, yet not all of them are the same.
CDL Licensing Process
Consider the licensing process used by the state’s Department of Education or Department of Motor Vehicles. To guarantee that your credentials are accepted by all trucking companies, choose a state-licensed school. When hiring new truck drivers, all trucking companies look for a CDL.
In addition to being licensed, some driving schools are certified by other organizations. Having a connection to one of these groups is a huge bonus. They help to ensure that the school meets their training standards stricter than the state’s. The Commercial Vehicle Training Association (CVTA) is one of the most important professional driver organizations in the world. Accreditation from one of these organizations is a need for the perfect driving school.
Truck Driving School Location
Traveling a great distance to learn to drive takes a toll on your resources, including time, money, and patience. If you live in a remote place, it may be tough to maintain a regular schedule and to go about.
While many truck driving schools may be found, you may be forced to pick between relocating or making an exhausting daily commute. Before settling on a driving school, examine your alternatives carefully.
Cost of Truck Driving School in Tennessee
Make sure any “free training” school you’re considering is legitimate before you sign up for any classes or programs. The next step should only be taken once you’ve made your final choice. It may be tempting to take advantage of free training, but it might have serious repercussions for your career.
The cost for attending a truck driving school in Tennessee ranges between $1,800 and $7,000. This is in the median range compared to other states. Therefore, preliminary research into various sources of financial aid is a smart idea before enrolling in a truck driving school.
Some examples of CDL school tuitions in Tennessee:
- Tennessee College in Memphis: $1,800 (including textbook and supplies)
- Northwest Mississippi College: $2,300
- Tennessee Truck Driving School: $6,000
- Roadmaster in Memphis: $6,995
There are driving schools that don’t require students to pay tuition upfront because of their relationship with trucking companies which offer tuition reimbursements. However, make sure you understand what the employers’ conditions are.
When selecting a truck driving school, it is vital to consider the duration of training courses, the cost, and the course plan. When it comes to trucking school programs, you have a wide range of alternatives to select from.
Learning to drive a commercial vehicle requires a particular approach to instruction, such as in-cab or in-class. If you want the greatest chance of becoming a professional driver, enroll in a program that includes both classroom and on-the-road instruction in its curriculum. Look for a driving instructor who has been in the business for at least three years as a general guideline.
Is the Instruction up to Par?
Investing in a CDL driving school is a waste of time and money if the instruction is subpar. The good thing is that you may do some research before deciding to join a certain program. The student-teacher ratio is critical. 3-4 students per teacher is ideal. As a student in the program, you want to be able to interact with others. It’s good to take anything from a 1 to 5 on a scale.
Make sure you know who the instructors are. Ideal candidates are retired or current drivers who are willing to work part-time as instructors. To get the most out of a great instructor, you need to learn as much as you can about their field and lifestyle. No substitute exists for learning from someone who has worked in the field for a long time.
Will it be Useful?
Enrolling at a good school is pointless if you can’t get in. Determine the cost, location, and timing of a program before deciding to invest your time and money in it. In Tennessee, you might have to fork up to $7000 or even more to get your CDL. When compared to other states, that puts it in the top echelon. You’ll want to be sure you can afford that much money. Make sure the school is a good fit for you before signing on the dotted line for the lowest tuition.
In order to begin the process of becoming a professional truck driver, you must first enroll in a truck driver training program. Choosing a CDL school is a significant choice that will have an impact on the rest of your life, therefore it’s normal to feel anxious about it. You may be able to make a better decision if you consider the above factors.
Tennessee Truck Driving Schools provide information, tools and resources to potential truck drivers in the U.S. We hope that you can use the content on the site to help you decide if want to drive trucks for a living.